Sharing called Piracy

Most of us, have been taught to share, if you have candy you should share it with your friends, but what about software, not any software, proprietary software ???
In the terms we have on the planet these days, if you share proprietary software, you are called a pirate. which implies that illegal copying is ethically equivalent to kidnapping and murdering people.
Who believes that sharing software would be like that. So if you gave a friend that has always been nice to you a copy of a proprietary software, then you are a pirate.
For me I never believed so, sharing is good, even if it’s proprietary software, so instead of calling it piracy, I urge you to call it something like “Prohibited Copying”, “Unauthorized Copying”, or my preferable “Sharing Information”.
For me, I don’t use proprietary software, and if someday I would, I won’t mind sharing it at all

Broken Leg

My Broken Leg
After a week of my leg hurting me so much (for no reason), I went to a doctor, and it came out that it was broken, the problem is that I don’t remember breaking it, or even hitting it with something, so he explained that this kind of fracture is called Stress Fracture, which is a result of overuse of the bone, it happens a lot to the athletes, specially tennis and Basketball players, and to the soldiers.
The thing is I’m not a soldier, and I don’t play Tennis nor Basketball, I hardly play any kind of sports …..
“Do you walk a lot?”, the doctor asked, “Yes”, I answered, “Oh, well that is the reason”. Walking is one of my hobbies, actually I love walking a lot, I don’t do it to lose weight, to be more precise, none of the people I know walk as much as me.Cat
Well, I guess this leads me to the question that I always hate, What is it with the human body? If you don’t walk or play sports, you would have lots of health problems, if you do, you would have this Stress Fracture thing. and getting me back to teeth, you brush them twice a day, and you end up having problems in sleeping from their pain, and looking at animals, My parents have lots of cats, and a couple of dogs, I don’t remember any of them ever brushed their teeth, also I don’t remember any of them having problems in their teeth too.
So would someone explain to me what is it with the human body?

Open You Windows To Freedom (ReactOS)

While surfing the Internet last night, I reached some sites talking about a free (as in freedom) clone of MS Windows called ReactOS, ReactOS is an effort to create a Free Software replacement for Microsoft Windows(TM) that is compatible with existing hardware and software!
A good review for the product can be found on The NeoSmart Files here.
Well, it’s still in an alpha version, but they seem to have a lot of good work done.
Now to my point of view, for GNU/Linux which is based on UNIX, the root is not a proprietary to anybody, it’s based on the POSIX standards (which the only UNIX that doesn’t comply them is Sun Solaris, I don’t know if Sun ever heard about it), so any change in UNIX is not forced to be done by the GNU team, when it comes to ReactOS (also WINE) I guess this is going to be a problem, there root is Microsoft, which means any change Microsoft makes, they should do it too. Also would it be really free, GNU/Linux was a crowning achievement in the free software world, because it eliminated the one remaining barrier to having a 100% free software environment on your computer. ReactOS isn’t leaning that way, because even though it’s shooting for a free kernel, O/S, and GUI, you’re still doing it in the service of proprietary applications.
Anyway, I guess I’m going to try it soon using VMWARE, and surly I would post my feedback.
And remember, A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open windows.