كهرمان … يا كهرمان
الوطن المتساوي الأضلاع
رجسٌ لن يقبله منذ الآن … الأمريكان
كهرمان … يا كهرمان
في يوم واحد تتناقص ثلاثة بلدان
طهرانٌ تقضم من كبد البصرة
ومن إبطيها تُسحل غزة
وعلى “ أربعة عشر “ صليباً يتخوزق لبنان
كهرمان … يا كهرمان
هل علم فلسطين هو الممنوع
وتزدحم بأعلام ( الفيفا ) بلادي
وبأعلام الألمان
في غزة يتوالى القصف
والبلدان العربية
تبذل أقصى طاقتها
من جُمل “ التنديد “
وعبارات “ العطف “
هذا يستغرب “ الاستخدام المفرط للقوة “
وآخر يدعو الشقيقة اسرائيل لضبط النفس
والثالث يخشى من دورة عنف
والرابع يُرسل أرخص انواع البطانيات
لتحمي القتلى
من” أمطار الصيف “
في القاهرة اجتمع الوزراء
الحمد لله لم يتأخر منهم واحدْ
(هذا أكبر إنجاز في هذا الظرف)
قال عمرو موسى
استطعنا أن نجمعهم على رأي واحد
من أفتى للشيخ حسن أن يخرق إجماع الأمة
ويشقّ الصفّ ؟
وفي تونس كاميرات صُنعت خصيصاً للمسجد
تحصي شعرات اللحية
وتحفظ دعوات المغرب
وتؤرشف أسماء العُبّاد
تساعد الملكين على الكتفين
وتتدخل أيضا لو أن محجبةً مرت من تحت الشباك
هذا بلدٌ منفتحٌ لا يسمح أن يسكنه النُسّاك
في “ السوليدير “
لجنة تحقيق تنبش تحت” الإسفلت “
وشاليهات السُيّاح
من وضع “ الديناميت “
ومن أشعله بسيارات “ الموكب “؟
الولد الفذ
لن يتسامح
حتى لو ورث “ المستقبل “
و” آذار “
وما ترك “ الجمّال “
“ الجد “ في “ جدة “ لا يسمح
والولد الشاطر يسمع آراء العُــقّال
كهرمان … يا كهرمان
من يحمي الآن الخرفان
إن كان الذئب صديقاً
وهو الآمر والناهي
في هذا البستان ؟
والشيخة “عكا “ في المستشفى
بدأت تفتح عينيها
من يعرف ، في هذا القصف ،
إن كانت تتذكر أبويها ؟
ارشقها بالبحر يا “ حج حسن “
بالرعب فقط … تسقط آثار الرعب
على قدميها
من يتذكر في هذي الأيام
صواريخ “ الفاكهاني “
وحصار “ الشيّاح “
لم ينتحر الثوار كما اقتضت المصلحة الليبية
فمن منكم يعرف
ماذا يفعل في هذي الليلة سُلطان عُمان ؟
يا سيدي حسن
يا سْيدي … في جُبّتك الخوف أمان
يتلفّع “ نصر الله “ إذا جاء
بآيات القرآن
هذا الفتح الـــ … من عند الله ومن “ مارون الراس “
لا من عند “ الأمريكان “
فسبح بحمد ربك
لن تبقى “ حيفا “ هادئة
بعد الآن
What IF?
Well let’s start by that History doesn’t understand the question what if, like what if I didn’t quit from my previous company, what if I didn’t drink coffee this morning, what if I studied more before I went to the test, or what if the USSR didn’t collapse? well things already happened, end of story. Continue reading What IF?
I hate Teeth
I want to sleep, and I hate teeth
Summer Of 2002
Love, Music, and Success, those were the titles I always remember that summer in, it was the glory summer of 2002, the best days of my life. Continue reading Summer Of 2002
Trust No One
If you are a movie fan you would’ve heard this sentence a lot, well for me it was a little different, it was “TRUST NO ONES CODE”, even though I believe in open source and stuff like this, but I had it in my mind for a long time, I wrote almost everything from scratch, I only use my code library.
well for quite sometime, I decided that I might be wrong, there exist people in this planet that are smart, and can do a lot of good job, and they can be trusted. I guess I had to learn the value of this rule the hard way.
everything worked fine, it was like magic, the library I used worked like magic, until the extensive testing time had came …
and wow there was a little bug, so small, that rarely happen, but the system couldn’t go while it’s there, and it was in the library.
OK, let’s fix the library, and who is the criminal that wrote that library, the whole library was built that this bug won’t happen, it was spread all over the library, fixing the bug means changing the whole library, which is not all useful …
and now I had to spend the night rebuilding parts of that system, I guess I learned my lesson, I would trust nobodies code anymore, I would only trust what my hands have done, but I learned it the hard way.
Buy your self a new box
Inspired from a post written by my friend Samer …
Thinking out of the box …, I’ve heard it a lot in all of this training sessions I’ve been to, and how you should always think out of the box, and you should know that there is a lot of options out of the box … etc., well in most of the cases thinking out of the box is a waste of time, as there is a lot of options, you can get lost through them easily, and end up trying to do something not related to the first problem, in most cases staying inside the box would solve your problems much faster and more efficient, you can get out another time if you want but the point is to solve the problem.
The main problem in thinking outside the box, is that you need someone inside the box to pull you back you need, as you start flying, and forget the whole box, or even worse, you get lost and don’t know where the hell is that box.

Zend Certificate: PHP5 Exam Festival
A PHP5 Exam Festival is being prepared in Amman by the end of July – first of August. Event will be sponsored by Zend.
First Of June (Something New)
Well, it was a rough day, also a lot of new things were done.
First thing Maktoob.com launched their new Home Page, it’s really nice, also the NoLimits thing where now you can take an unlimited storage for your email at maktoob, also by the end of the day also Maktoob-Women section (Beta Version) was launched too, it’s really nice.
In the middle of the day I found that Ubuntu at last realesed their dapper version (I’ve been using it for about 2 months through all the alpha beta thing, also my CD’s are on there way :P), well they’ve done a lot of good stuff in it.
In the end of the day I received an email from Zend.com informing me that Zend Studio Version 5.2 has been released too, I really love this software, it really makes my life easier.
Well I guess there is something new about this June …
It’s been ages since my last post, I don’t consider this a post, but this is just to tell that I’m still alive, I’ve been so f****** busy, and all the things I wanted to post were depressing, that’s why I didn’t post any.
This period is not over, hope it end soon, cheerz
Back to Earth
Is it really Earth, is that really earth that I’m seeing, at last, after living the last couple of months on Mars, I guess it’s temporarily over, I’m back to earth, I’m afraid that I have to go back again, well it all depends on the Acceptance testing (which is an unsuccessful attempt to find bugs). I hope that everything goes fine.
Well here I am again, on my beloved planet earth.