“Shoo Hal Ayam?” – A fund raising concert at Terra Sancta 28 December 2006.

Arab Group for Protection of Nature and the Group “Shoo Hal Ayam?” are honored to invite you to the concert “Shoo Hal Ayam?”, Thursday the 28th of December 2006, 19:00h, at Terra Sancta Theatre – Jabal El Waibdeh.
* Tickets available for 3 JOD.
* The concert is fund raising for the benefit of the APN‘s projects in Jordan and Palestine.

متطوعو العربية لحماية الطبيعة ومجموعة ” شو هالإيام ؟ ” الموسيقية تتشرفان بدعوتكم لحضور أمسية موسيقية غنائية تحييها المجموعة على مسرح كلية تراسنطة يوم الخميس الموافق 28/12/2006 الساعة السابعة مساءا .
يرصد ريع البطاقات لصالح مشاريع التشجير التي تقوم بها العربية في الاردن وفلسطين .
سعر التذكرة : ثلاثة دنانير ( 3 دنانير) .
لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الإتصال :
هاتف : 5673331
خلوي : 0796559152

4 thoughts on ““Shoo Hal Ayam?” – A fund raising concert at Terra Sancta 28 December 2006.”

  1. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa333
    you have a blog! walak tab ma te7ki ya zalameh!
    i found urs by coincidence. sho had kol il nas have blogs now!! Eh!
    and yes thats me enas that will sing in this coming concert!!

  2. So you’ve been the “Bassist” .. or as I mentally identified you as the only one on stage who did not seem to feel cold 😛 .. seriously .. all were shivering and you were the only one with folded sleeves ! brrrrr .. and it was FREEZING inside ..

    I enjoyed every part of that little concert 🙂 ..

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