I got this picture from a friend, it’s so cute, I know the economy is going bad, but I think that the cat exaggerated ๐
“In the year 3000, YouTube,Twitter & FB will merge to form 1 super time wasting website called “YouTwitFace”
Conan O’Brian”
The cute thing is that Youtwitface.com already exists.
Lucky guys. ๐
I’ve been expermenting with ruby for sometime now, and I’m really enjoying it, and I’m now coping with ‘#’ comments ๐
Now one of the points that’s about functions, is how do they pass, by value, or by reference. So to try out Ruby. Continue reading Pass by Value or Reference or Handle
I’m using an IPv6 tunnel using http://go6.net/, and when the internet connection goes down and up after a while, the tunnel just doesn’t refresh it self.
I run it on crontab for every 5 minutes for now ๐
My Machine is Gentoo 2008, I guess you need to do some changes for it to work on your distro.
Hope that any one will benefit from it
function restartGW {
/etc/init.d/gw6c restart
date >> /var/log/checkipv
stat="`/etc/init.d/gw6c status | tr -d ' ' | cut -d':' -f2`"
if [ $stat == 'stopped' ]
elif [ $stat == 'started' ]
IPV4connected="`echo $(nc -zv www.google.com 80 2>&1) | cut -d')' -f2 | tr -d ' '`"
if [ $IPV4connected == "open" ]
# check ipv6 connectivity
IPV6connected="`echo $(nc -6zv ipv6.google.com 80 2>&1) | cut -d')' -f2 | tr -d ' '`"
if [ $IPV6connected == "open" ]
exit 0;
exit 0
This script is available at github on http://github.com/alaaibrahim/ala-scripts/.
This is the song “Comptine D’un Autre Ete” for the Musician “Yann Tiersen” from the sound track of the film “Amelie“.
I love this music, but I really enjoyed this video, I just wanted to share it with everybody else, enjoy!
For a long time, I had two blogs, Gurus Place, and this one, as I used to separate the technical from the other stuff, the problem was that, sometimes it was a little bit hard to differentiate between, technical, and non-technical posts.
So I moved Gurus Place here, and did the 301 redirect here ๐
The IT Crowd is one of my favorite shows, it became like an addiction to me, I can never get enough of it.
This is episode 1 from the first season, you can watch it, it’s on google-video.
UPDATE: Google Video no longer exists, so this is the part from Youtube.
Now, it seams that the “Are you from the past?” thing, is faced a lot in the IT world, it’s like either we are from another planet, or we live in a world, where idiots are main population occupying it.
We speak in simple matters, like turn on your computer, but people find it hard to understand.
People refuse to think for a second of what the error message told them, or worse, they refuse to read the error message, but they have an amazing skill of attracting viruses, worms and Trojans. It’s really amazing.
And do you know what the problem is? a lot of these people work in the IT industry, and other people might know them as Computer Experts.
Now the issue is always, how to communicate with them, of course telling them that they are stupid, is rude. But guess what is also rude, telling them to try to learn, or use google, or read the G** D*** F***** Message.
And believe me, they would never learn.
So what do you think? Anybody has any ideas?
What I’m presenting here is an example for Unit tests making us change the design to make a better design for our application. Continue reading Unit test, making better designs
When you have more than one gentoo machine, a good thing to do to manimize the bandwidth usage, is to run some local mirrors, so that you would get the file only once, for all the machines.
Continue reading Gentoo Cache Mirror using apache and php