Sometimes, I just ask myself, why I don’t have that job, where I just leave the office when it’s the end of working hours, have nothing in mind about it, just like a normal guy, or have this routine work, with just a minor responsibility. Well I’m writing this to remind myself whenever a thought like this pops out in my mind, it’s simply because I GET BORED EASILY. Continue reading My Career Path
Category Archives: Asylum Archives
Actually, I’m not posting this because I have nothing to post about, I have written a set of posts and some key notes, so that I would write them when I have time and mood, but it seems that it’s so hard. Continue reading Nothing
Sunrise – Norah Jones
I really listen to this Song a lot
What IF?
Well let’s start by that History doesn’t understand the question what if, like what if I didn’t quit from my previous company, what if I didn’t drink coffee this morning, what if I studied more before I went to the test, or what if the USSR didn’t collapse? well things already happened, end of story. Continue reading What IF?
Summer Of 2002
Love, Music, and Success, those were the titles I always remember that summer in, it was the glory summer of 2002, the best days of my life. Continue reading Summer Of 2002
Buy your self a new box
Inspired from a post written by my friend Samer …
Thinking out of the box …, I’ve heard it a lot in all of this training sessions I’ve been to, and how you should always think out of the box, and you should know that there is a lot of options out of the box … etc., well in most of the cases thinking out of the box is a waste of time, as there is a lot of options, you can get lost through them easily, and end up trying to do something not related to the first problem, in most cases staying inside the box would solve your problems much faster and more efficient, you can get out another time if you want but the point is to solve the problem.
The main problem in thinking outside the box, is that you need someone inside the box to pull you back you need, as you start flying, and forget the whole box, or even worse, you get lost and don’t know where the hell is that box.

Men & Women
Lately I read some posts either against women, or against men (we even had a discussion in the JP meeting -sorry I came late-), so that is why I’m writing. Continue reading Men & Women
Another Definition of a Holiday
Well if you remember my first definition to a holiday, well I guess I have another one:
A holiday is the day that you can go to work late, and you can have lunch (Falafel) break whenever you like, whereas a working day is the day that you have to go to work early, and you have to take your falafel break only at a specific time, if you didn’t take it, el 3awad b salamtak
Technorati Tags: Holiday, Definition, Work
Programming Languages, are they spoken
Well, since a long time ago, I started programming, I used to think in plain English, then start translating it to the programming language wanted.
Nowadays, I guess, I think using that language, sometimes, I speak it. a week ago a colleague asked for my help about an issue, I just grab the keyboard, and started writing, (it was a little complicated thing), when I finished, I looked at it, and told him there is an error here, this won’t run, (I just didn’t knew where did that inspiration came from), then we both started looking in the code about what is wrong, and vola; a semicolon was missing (I just can’t explain what happened).
Usually, if you enter my office, you would find me discussing an issue with my office mate, you would find us talking code, (usually PHP), we speak that language.
well after that most of my life is with my computer writing code, i guess, maybe in one day I would forget English (and Arabic) and just talking PHP.
A friend of mine suggests that I shouldn’t see a computer for a couple of days, and start spending less time with computers, (I just can’t help it).
Technorati Tags: Programming, PHP, Languages, Wierdo
Where have I been in the last 6 months (maybe more…
I was watching a movie the other day Paycheck, (I didn’t finish it yet, as My DVD Drive cannot handle using for more than 20 minutes, I’m going to buy a new one soon), In that movie, one of them got his memory erased for 2 months, and when he was asked that are you OK with that, he replied about what does he want to remember from the last 2 months, there was nothing worth remembering.
I started thinking, what do I want to remember from my last period of time, or exactly, what am I going to remember. I was at the office working, What else did I do? I guess nothing important.
When I go back in memory to remember things, I just get back to 2002, that was my golden age. Now from the moment I graduated (February 2004) tell now, what did I do other than finding a job, working, and resign.
Man, I really feel pity for my life, I’m kind of transforming into a machine, yes I have accomplished a lot in these 2 years, but is this what I want. Is my life based on work achievements?
Is work achievements things worth remembering, (in a place other than the interview room).
I just hope that something personal pops up in my life, in some way, as I cannot make it happen.